Sewage trucks on
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picture author: Sysel
Feeding-pump for cows in Ostry
picture author: Sysel
converted from fecal V3S.
picture author: Sysel
Another V3S, in Hlavatce.

picture author: unknown (from Sysel´s archives)
Predecessor of all modern gully-suckers: this country oxcart (background) from early last century.

picture author: Sysel
Skoda-LIAZ 100.
picture author: Sysel
Seen in Nalzovske Hory.
picture author: reader Miro Pokorny
Big gully-sucker MAN.
picture author: reader Miro Pokorny   picture author: reader Miro Pokorny
Truck is three-axle and the fecal structure is very modern. In streets of Bratislava.
picture author: reader Martin Janda
T-815 CAS-11 in Cesky Krumlov.
picture author: reader Miro Pokorny
Very impessive photo of gully-sucker together with drink offers.
picture author: Sysel
And ACF-041, in Dobrejice.
picture author: Predseda
Skoda 706 in Prague.
picture author: Predseda   picture author: Predseda
Superstructure is interesting, car is owned by public-transport company.
picture author: reader Ondra Spacil
gully-sucker Tatra 815 in Brno-Bystrc. MFK´s logo is a boy sitting on a latrine!
picture author: Predseda
Trailor for shits in Drazetice.
picture author: Predseda
Fecal minicistern in Krenicna.
picture author: Sysel
These 3 gulely-suckers CAS-11
picture author: Sysel
were running one-by-one
picture author: Sysel
in Dynin.
picture author: Sysel
Tatra 815 CAS-11
picture author: reader Martin Janda
Tatra 815-02 TerrNo NAF-11 and fecal trailor NAF-10 in Cesky Krumlov.
picture author: Sysel
and another Tatra. Both in Tabor.
picture author: Sysel
Fecal structure on T-815.
picture author: Sysel
This time used for water.
picture author: Sysel
Sprinkling equipment mounted in front.

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